
nothing to do..
normal ativity.. at home..

8am- br bgn tido.. (ape nk jd anak dara nih??tau dek bakal mak mertua sure kene reject..heh!!)

9am - b'fast nasi lemak yg mak buat..yummy..

10am- no ativity. sit, watch tv, lunch, play wif tam, bla bla bla..

- sental itu ferrari merah.. (bwuek..prasan la kete ferrari..pdhal, kete buatan malaysia..yi haa..)

6pm- da xtau nk btpe..

now, 7pm- ngadap laptop ni ha..post blog.

tetibe aku teringatkan seseorg..heheh..my college mate..
aku sgt rapat ngan diye..n pernah admire that guy..
fuhh..seriously, and i admit it..almost 5years i keep the secret. and only certain people know about it..

saya pernah menangis pasal diye, pernah gile bayang..and i'm crazy about him..he's my best buddy at that time. i'm crazy about him.. and tetibe i realize that he is only a FRIEND. so, i decided to throw the feelings away..

Alhamdulillah, sy berjaya..until now, we're still friend. even though da jarang berhubung n da xmm dulu.

tp sy xkisah sbb admire diye. xrugi rapat ngan diye..diye mmg sgt baik, caring. good looking man..and, ramai girls out there yg tergila2kan diye t'masuk la our friends.and diorg ade yg bergaduh n b'masam muka sbb jeles kalo that guy sembang yg girl lain..klaka kan??..ms tu, sylah penyimpan rahsia diye..and diye jgk la yg simpan rahsia aku..hehe..
tetibe je rindu nk jmp diye..hahah...

ish, jgn.. diye da ade some1 da.. hehehe.. cute tu awek diye..
and i got mine too.. =)
so, better throw the feelings far away..

*suddenly, my phone rang.. my some1 is alling me.. =*

Notes for some1..


Miss u larr..


FootNote: bosan..

**Edited baru i perasan yg huruf C aku rosak skek..cccccccccCCCCccccc

see??kene tekan kuat skek..so, many spelling error in the entry.


gUrGuRlZ said…
ader secret admire rupanya....
ehem ehem...
ia juga pernah terjadi pada aku...
nasib baik ko sedar cepat...
macam aku ne
sedar dah lambat..
reject semua cinta yang datang...
rupa2nya..dier hanya seorang teman...
then..mari kiter cari cinta sebenar meh
Feena said…
heheh..harus la..
aku rs sume org penah t'libat dlm cite mcm ni kan..
pernah t'syok kat org tu..tp org tu xnmpk kite.
sian kan..

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