
gud morning... =)

wat a wonderful morning.. wishing all the best for all of u..

just want to share something..

hehehe... sy lulus xm final ni...!! alhamdulillah.. insya'Allah konvo on may next grade kelas biase je.. hehe.. ampesh je kan.. tp xpe la.. at least aku abis on time. =)

btw, kene setel hutang2 saman kete kat uitm.. wahahah..tggu je la surat cinta tu smp kat umah.. =P

and one more thing.. aku kene balek jb end of this month. meaning, kuar terus dr umah kat s.a and then drive to jb.. bwk sume2 brg2 gueh. and maybe never stay out from jb.. arghh.. can I??

ish.. almost 6years i live alone in shah alam. mmg bezt sgt2.

shah alam.. bandar yg xbz.. majority is malay.. and danaumas apartment. best sgt. umah tu view mmg cantik. nmpk tasik. kalo2 tgh tensen ke ape ke, tgk je kat balkoni tuh. and the most important is, sewa murah. hehehe.. en hakimi mmg best.. =P

rumah lain biasanye rm900 ++ but then mine is only 650. tp kosong aa umah tuh.. peduli ape kan. uma lain pun ksg gak tp rm800. =P

hik hik. syg plak nk lepaskan umah tu kat org lain.heheh..

gonna miss all the memoirs in shah alam.. shah alam is where i start everything. wif friends, wif my sis (only for a few month).


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