tasik chenderoh

hye.. skang kat esso.. lame btol x post blog kat sini.ramai gak kt sini. bau nasi ayam diye.. pergh.. bikin gueh lapa jek. asbestos btol.

actually, lately sgt bz. sbb tu la xon9 n post any blog here. ni pun br baik demam. tp suara tgh xdek lg.

last friday, me n my classmates went to tasik cenderoh, sauk, perak. heheh.. best giler. men kayak, karaoke, sukaneka. tu yg suara ilang tu. then, got new experience. dpt memancing walopun xdpt ikan. hahahah..

memule ms smp tu, my words were like this.. : "gosh!! tmpt ape neh???"

and after few days, "mcm xnak balik je.. rs free ar dok sini. jauh dr kesibukan."

yap.. that's really OUR feelings. ye la.. dpt gi jungle trekking. heheh.. klako. member2 jerit kene pacat. and after that jungle trekking, sy yg sememangnye xbp nk sehat, demam skejap. heheh..pe lagi.. tdo arr. heheh

and now, gosh!! my face! rentung. erk!! actually sunburn. now dlm proses nk baikkan kulit balik. nmpk kering muke sy. =(

well, maybe this is the last trip wif my classmates. uwaa..

*nota k@ki: rs mcm nk gi pantai plak. =P


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