what the hell??

this is a true story...

about my umah sewa..

skang ni student cuti.. the story is, 2 of my housemates da abis blaja.. so, we've found new housemate to replace them.. but the problem is, my roomate, want to pay half for the month sharing with the new housemates which is her friend. ok fine.. i thought that she will bla after half month.. so, i did not care about it..

the problem is, until now, she still stay in the house like her own house..

what the hell??

diye da xde hak psl umah tu.. then sibuk2 psl umah tu..

same je mcm kami sewa ber enam.. not fair u know.. i don't mind if she is not very berkira dgn kami.. but she is very berkira.. huh..!!

then diye kate my friend yg br stat sewa ngan kami tu xbyr masa 1st month dok umah tu.. she is wrong. my friend pay full for the month.. tu la.. x amik tau lg psl hal umah.. pastu nk pertikaikan psl hal2 kecik tu.. we all know la about it.. jgn la anggap kami ni just nak kondem diye.. we are right.. and u r wrong.. huh!!

sorry to xpress my "dissatisfied feelings".. it is a blog rite?? hahaha..

feeling very lega rite now.. =)


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