erlow mes amis...

bonjour mes amis..

arini ari sabtu will be my last day at home.. meaning at JB..

uwaa!! sok dh kene balik sane.. xnak balik boleh x??? hehehe...

rs cam serius bosan la kalo balik sane... tak mcm diploma dulu.. excited je kalo nk balik sane. sbb seronok tu mase dip. what's the reason huh sy liat sgt nk balik sane?? uwaaa!!! *crying*

serius degree ni rs cm x seronok.. hmm..

smlm call qay.. sume dh ade kat kl.. so, senang n best skek.. nnt kite men beskal ekk?? hahaha.. silonok woo.. lelagi kalu reramai cam kami ngan dak2 kolej seroja melepaskan tekanan xdpt pegi pangkor masa 3 thn lepas. hehehe.. mnyk siok..

hmm.. my checklist sblm balik s.a esok:

* segala jenis baju

* Private file

* note book & organizer

* camera (nak jadik camera women kot??erk..

* mp3 player + earphone (tp earphone dh rosak sebelah.. kene beli br la jawabnye.. uwaa..

*matric card (important tu..always in my bag)

* emily strange's bag

* laptop (yerp.. can't live without it.. hahaha..)

* toto,almari (utk dok umah sewa.. sy sewa luar la..)

*telekung & sejadah

* cap (mane ntah sy letak..abis la kalo ilang..)

* Brooches (pin tudung)

* cd full house (kene bwk woo.. layan tu kalo bosan..)

hmm.. rsnye tu je kot yg sy ingat skang nih.. huhu.. wargh!! bnyk jugak! cmne nak angkut naik gi umah sewa nih?? dh la tingkat 7! huh.. seb baik ade lift.. wahahahha.. *sigh*

wokey.. that's all for today.. wish me luck for the next sem.. hope i'll not do the same mistake... tata..


Anonymous said…
yeah good luck
Feena said…
yeah.. thanx huh...

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