
ehem.. sy ade soklan..

adakah seronok mengambil course biotech? i've heard my friends story yg amik biotech, hobi nye "play with bacteria". huh?? bacteria?? is it fun?? kaji pasal bacteria?? erm.. mcm besh.. and biotech amat diperlukan sekarang.. n beruntungnye sesape yg blaja biotech nih.. and bacteria??? duhhh!!

and.. i really miss my past.. masa study zaman dolu2.. huhuhu.. zaman2 aim n uitm.. no pictures masa kat aim.. sbb lepak sane kejap jek.. gambo pun sume gambar curik.. heh!! masa besday ada.. hahaha..

congratulation to all of my friends yg akan berkonvo pd 16/9 (btol ke ek?? ari ahad nih..)

and sorry coz tak dpt tgk kowang konvo.. aku koje arr.. ehem..siti.. insya'Allah kite jmp.. tp tatau la bile.. congrats la ek.. dpt gak ko konvo.. ish.. walaupun kite konvo tak skali.. and what happen to jijoi,cipurk,pali n yg lelain?? aku tgk list, yg konvo nye ko, ulat, andy,izury.. ala.. 4 ketul je.. ish.. yg lain takde rezeki..

btol ke ape yg aku denga? jijoi n cipuk quit study?? aiyak.. lagi berape paper je.. syg beb.. 3 thn buang gitu jek?? ish.. ntah la.. rezeki masing2.. tp kowang dah ade keje tetap kan?? and selamat menjadik exec chef yg mcm kowang slalu angan kan tuh.. heheheh.. amin..

enough!! u talk a lot..


once upon a time...


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